Working together to make your life fantastic

Photograph by Amit Lennon
Date: 29 July 2003
As one of the UK’s most respected life and business coaches George Metcalfe has coached hundreds of people and businesses over the past decade. His prime purpose as a coach is to encourage you to make the absolute best of your potential. By focussing on where you are and where you want to go. By identifying and managing any obstacles on the way. By empowering you to take action to get there. And – perhaps most importantly – by connecting each person fully to their own unique talents and brilliance.
Or as George puts it: “Coaching for me is an art, a dance between two people, a conversation which challenges and swirls both with visions and practicalities, but which above all communicates with the wisest parts of the soul, encouraging great choices and positive actions”.
The result is you move closer to yourself and re-awaken the sense of a fully-lived life. Whether you want to develop your career, improve a relationship, move out of a ‘rut’, pursue a dream, enjoy healthier finances or better self esteem, you’ll find yourself living personally and professionally at a more expanded, more fulfilled level.
This is achieved by developing specific, tailor-made strategies for each individual – George incorporates many of the techniques developed by Coach University in the USA and its founder Thomas Leonard ‘the Father of Modern Coaching’. And by offering space, in a confidential, intimate and challenging conversation, to focus exclusively on you and helping you move forward. Simply having someone else focus on you in this way, with full confidence that you will achieve your potential has been described as one of the most liberating experiences. The coaching process is effective, results-oriented and usually great fun, with the client feeling unconditionally supported throughout.